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felt sewing

18 posts
Felt Cucumber Slice Tutorial

Felt Cucumber Slice Tutorial

I designed the felt cucumber slices and food items to be as simple as possible. However, it requires a bit of hand sewing to make the felt cucumber seeds. My article can find detailed instructions, pictures, and videos on making felt cucumber slices.
Felt Cheese Sewing Tutorial

Felt Cheese Blocks Tutorial

Felt cheese slices are the perfect addition to other felt food toys. Felt cheese blocks offer a fun variety of play dishes ideal for play kitchens, playsets, or even grill sets.
Felt Sewing Tips

Felt Sewing Tips

Felt sewing tips are for beginners and anyone who wants to learn new sewing tips and tricks. The guide provides a brief description of felt as materials and types of felt.
felt sewing

How to Sew Felt

Felt can be machine-sewn or embroidered by hand. Since the edges of the felt do not fray, you can apply absolutely any stitch to join the edges, make appliqués, or even use quick, no-sew methods.